Baby weight at week 31
My baby weights 1.95kg at week 31, gynea said predicting to be 3.2kg. Just wondering if any mummy has similar experience for this weight at week 31? I’m worried baby might weight more than 3.5kg
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My baby girl weigh less than yours when I was about 34 weeks. Gynae told me to eat more so baby can gain weight. I also gained 1kg only throughout my pregnancy. I did as suggested. I gobbled up 2 Mcdonald's double cheese burger daily. Forced myself to so my baby won't be staying in nicu. She was a late preterm baby. I gave birth to her at 36 weeks and she was 2.4kg.
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same for me. predicted at 3.5kg. She arrived at week 39 at 3.12kg. 😄
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