Baby face acne
My baby has acne on her face and appears red. Is there a way to get rid of the acne and what are the causes of this?#firstmom

It's completely normal. Mine had some too, really got worried also since it went under his eye also. I just applied some breastmilk on his face and wipe him with a warm cotton. His face cleared up and improved after a few days.
Yup normal! My baby's acne kept clearing then pop up again from 2 weeks to 1.5 months. Now 2.5 months all clear. I clean his face with warm water then apply Mustela cicastela cream every morning and night :) goes away fast!
Baby acne is very very normal! Is your baby newborn? I remember mine also got alot, but after 5 months or so slowly goes away on its own. Now 10 months clear face
hope this helps
I used breast milk on my baby's skin and it healed within 2 weeks! multipurpose balm, works like magic