My little angry bird
My baby gets angry always..2 years old. He is crying louder for anything . Is this normal?

Yeah, at 2 this is really normal, due to their rapid growth and development. Lack of ability to verbalise how they feel results in temper tantrums and anger. When your 2 year old is having a temper tantrum, they are communicating to you that they are overwhelmed and need your help.
It is normal for kids between the age of 1 to 4 years old to show emotions through cry, tantrums, etc. You may want to ask them in a nice way or figure their body language daily when they communicate with you. Use a nice approach to tackle their emotions.
yes, at age 2 he is still learning how to communicate. if you can speak to him and help him understand that he doesn't need to be angry to get what he wants, that will gradually change
I think this is normal mum since they don’t know how to fully control their emotions yet. It part of their growth.
Mine keep shouting n screaming too but shes 1y1m.. throws her toys out of her yard despite telling her not to do so
Angry outbursts are how they express the frustration they are experiencing as a result of their rapid growth.
Yes, It is normal