Fetus Size Matters

• Baby fetus at 28w2d We were told today that our baby fetus size is small. As of today after our Antenatal check-up, our baby is approximate 930g. According to the doctor (not OBGYN Specialist), the size of our baby fetus should be approximate 1.1kg ideally. We were advised that this growth could be because: - Baby naturally small (Genes/Parents) - Baby might be diagnose with down sydrome - Mother dietary After hearing from the doctor, I did a self research and find out that the ideal size for our baby fetus is not 1.1kg but 1kg. I know it's differences is only by 100g but 1kg is alot closer to 930g than 1.1kg. Can anyone here enlighten me? We are both trying to not be totally affected by the doctor's advice. The doctor could be right, but the the doctor could also be wrong. The tolerance of an accurate ultrasound proven to be in a window of 2-4weeks. #advicepls

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As the other mummies mentioned, ultrasound isn't all that accurate actually. I suggest seeking advice from your gynae instead of other doctors who don't specialise in pregnancy and childbirth, as they are actually not that familiar even if they are also doctors, since its a specialisation after all. I also worried that my baby was too small while pregnant, but my gynae wasn't concerned, and she was right. While my bb was born rather small at 2.7kg at 40+5, he got to 5.7kg in slightly past 2 months, which is heavier than average.

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