Newborn straining

My baby is 3 weeks and just on full fm.. she is now straining and red face probably trying to poop.. but keep passing gas instead..whole day like this..yesterday oredi poop.. is thos normal?#firstbaby #1stimemom

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Yeah pretty normal for newborn. Their digestive system is still maturing so give her some time. Keep her upright for at least 20-30mins after feeding. MUST BURP HER. Mine took 20mins to burp last time. Do tummy massage for colic but not right after feeding otherwise you’ll risk all the milk being vomited out. It’s good that she’s passing gas. Maybe she’s having constipation due to the straining. Can try changing her milk. I fed my baby S26 to supplement my BM but I got worried when she didn’t poop for 1.5 days so after the 1st tin finished I switched to Enfamil until now she’s 6.5 months already. She might also be dehydrated? Try feeding her more per feeding? Or closer feeding times? Mine previously took 70ml FM every 2-3hrs. If she’s gassy and has colic, do tummy massage (works wonders and baby also loved it) and can add Ridwind into her milk as well. Take note of her stool as well. Colour and consistency. Take a pic every time she poops so you can show to the doc for any concerns. There’s a poop colour chart that you may want to check out. Good luck!

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4y ago

I think she is constipated. You may want to change her milk and see if there’s a change. If she’s not drinking well or not finishing her milk every feeding time, you may want to see a doctor. Probably tongue-tied which can result in milk deficiency and cause constipation.

Maybe she has colic. try do tummy massage for her