Formula Feeding for 2Months 9Days

Hi!! My baby is 2 Months 9 Days today to be exact. I'm wondering, How much does the other mommies' babies drink at the age of 2 Months?? As of now my baby drinks 115ml and she still wants more but i always get worried of overfeeding. #pleasehelp #firstbaby #firsttimemom #advicepls

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My LO is 2.5 months old and is only able to tolerate 60 ml per feed. She doesn’t cry for milk till about 3 hours later. But I worry that this doesn’t meet the minimum requirement of 120ml so I’m trying my best to get her to take 60 ml every 2 hours instead. Anyone else has a baby who can’t tolerate more than 60 ml per feed? Wondering if I should check in with a GP.. it’s also very taxing on me as I’m trying to feed her every 2 hours. She is often directly latched and occasionally bottlefed with ebm. On the boob, she nurses for approximately 5-10 mins only and doesn’t drain my boob. But at her recent check up, her weight puts her at the 65th percentile with a healthy gain from a month before

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2y ago

Me! My 2.5 m girl also drink at 60ml still now

Maybe she really needs more? Concurrently mine also 2 months plus and my baby drinking 140ml. Not sure how it works but maybe u can increase to 120-125ml?

2y ago

Yeah if ur baby had enough, baby will spit out. Then monitor if wants more means the duration less than 2 hours? Hmm haha I guess so haha first time mom here too

max is 150ml for this age. you can ask for the chart at polyclinics :)