Aug 2023 Groupchat?
Hi! Any Aug 2023 group chats? If not anyone wants to start one together?

Side track a little, you might wanna consider joining groups earlier than your EDD (if the intention is to seek answers when you need them). Otherwise for the same EDD, everyone’s baby will probably be going thru the same thing and asking the same question with no answer hahaha. (Thats what happened to my EDD group, only 1-2 2nd time mommy can answer your question.) But, same EDD group is useful if you want to go for play dates.
Read moreHi mummies! Seems like everyone is asking the same question- how to join a group? :) I would love to join too but not sure how to. Can someone advice how to join or start a group?
i would like to join if there is a group chat if there is any! just gotten big fat positive from blood test today! this is the Aug 2023 group chat
Not sure why I can’t join using the link. Able to add me?
Hi are you from singapore ? if yes we do have a groupchat.
Can add me?
hey just found out I was pregnant few days ago.
Hello! I'm keen to join too :)
Hi I would like to join too!
Would love to join as well!
I’m keen to join too! ☺️
Hi, I’m keen to join a edd Aug group chat too. I’m not sure why but I’m not able to join in the link shared above.
Dreaming of becoming a parent