Joie range strollers
Hi! Is anyone using the Joie Muze LX or Joie Mirus stroller? Would you recommend it? I'm considering between the 2 and the Muze comes with an intant car seat which seems to be a pretty good deal!

I think it depends on your needs. Initially I wanted a stroller tt comes with the infant seat too but my hubby prefers to have a proper car seat tt can just leave in the car, and can also be used till my boy is older. So we chose a less bulky stroller so tt it's is easier for overseas travel as we go on holidays rather frequently. Mine is also the Joie brand but the Signature collection. We cld add on to include the infant carrier too but I now find it redundant. So really depends on your needs. If u have a car, better to buy a proper car seat tt can take baby from infant all the way to kindergarten. It's for safety too. But if you use Grab/taxi more, then yes the stroller with the infant seat would be more useful.
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