Episiotomy healing
Anyone had a cut during labour and after a few days u cant even sit or walk or even getting up from bed? Mine got worse on day 4 im not sure is that normal... #firsttimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp

Heya, did your gynae give you any pain killers or gel to apply? Maybe use water to wash your privates first, and ask your hubby to see if there are any infection(pus coming out) at your episiotomy site? If so, I think you need to go back to urgent O&B. If it looks swollen and tender to the touch, I suggest you be extra careful and take care of the wound site so it doesn't get infected. I have the same scenario, can't get up without assistance from day 1, and suddenly the wound stings on day 5/6 then gradually getting more painful. ). There is a part where it is quite tender, seems to be swollen (which is why it is painful), but not yet infection. So the next few days i was very careful with it (like wash it with water very frequently and dry it, change my pad very frequently etc) and asked my hubby apply the Lignocaine gel generously and it reduced the pain by quite a bit (it even reduced the sensation of my urinary tract by accident. After around 1+ weeks, not so swollen anymore and the pain also reduced.
Read moreade nurse cek luka tak?