Thomson Medical

Hi, Anyone give birth at TMC recently? Any covid restrictions and additional charges if your husband were to stay over in single bedded ward? Also for the Thomson Membership is it worth paying? #firstpregnacy

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Gave birth in TMC in Dec 2021. Husband has to take ART everyday (about $40 each time) and there’s an overnight charge (about $120 if I’m not wrong, and comes with breakfast only) if he wants to stay over. For lunch/dinner husband have to settle himself or pay extra for hospital food. For visitors they only allow 2 other people besides husband. And only 2 visitors allowed in the room at one time. Visitors have to pay for ART too. Didn’t get the membership so idk if it’s worth :)

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My relative delivered last week, it's the same as advised below. Daily ART is $38; they won't accept results done outside of TMC. Staying over with breakfast is $90. Check out this link:

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I gave birth last aug so restrictions have changed but regarding the membership is worth as there is a discount off each night (i can’t rmb i think it’s $100? per night?) I got the membership for both births ◡̈