Hi Mummies !
Anyone EDD on November 2022 ?

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Read moreHello! I’m actually a first time dad and my baby Edd is 20th nov, would it be weird to join a WhatsApp group?
hi! I'm edd Nov 22. We are in a WhatsApp grp if u are keen to join in one
https://www.facebook.com/groups/2022sgmummys/?ref=share You can join this fb group to find all the links to all the whatsapp group for various EDDs. Do join the fb group because the whatsapp links are refreshed regularly for safety reasons.
3 nov with twins! Probably popping in Oct 😅
How do i join? Mine is in nov too.
me! Happy to join a group too
Hi! my EDD is 27 nov
Yes me, EDD NOV…
me too, Nov 5th
me too, 14 nov
Excited to become a dad