Cruise while pregnant
Anyone been to cruise while expecting? Is it safe? 😅😅 I should be around 16-17 weeks#firsttimemom #advicepls

I wouldn’t recommend for cruise. If anything happens while you are on the cruise they don’t have any medical facilities on board to assist immediately. I think that’s why they don’t allow pregnant mums to go on board after week 24.
It is better to ask for a doc's memo to prove that you are below 24 weeks to board the cruise. Else, they have the rights not to let you onboard as it is under the TnC that pregnancy has to be below 24 weeks :)
most cruises prevent u from boarding once you reach 23-24 weeks so please check if you can board the cruise before u book it.
im wondering if cruise will ask for paper evidence. cos im cruising when im near week 23. 😥

best to check with your gynae because we dunno your pregnancy status or risks
i did travel during 1st & 2nd trimester but do check with ur gynae