Anybody can advice the cost for KKH bill size staying at B1 ward for recently birth? Thanks!

Hi Fellow Parents, please check some posts on the bills. hope it helps. https://community.theasianparent.com/q/mummies-share-your-delivery-bill-size-kkh-private-still-thinking-choose-c/161000?d=android&ct=q&share=true https://community.theasianparent.com/q/sharing-estimated-bill-size-kkh-a1-b1/1393672?d=android&ct=q&share=true
Read moreHi i gave birth last month at KKH B1 ward. Admission fee was 1.7k, when discharged i paid another 600+ for me and bb after gov subsidy and deducting from medisave. Without medisave about 5k-6k
You can just go the admission counter and ask for advice on the bill size! They can show you the cost of diff rooms you choose.
Btw did u use epidural?