Symptoms at 5-6w

4w5d: Tested positive on hpt at end of 4 weeks. Had very painful / tender breast at that time which led me to test. 5w: However within 3 days, tenderness faded. Boobs still abit sensitive but on a scale of 10, probably about 1. At 5.5 weeks, scan showed normal results. 6w: Expecting more symptoms to kick in, but other than constipation and a mild tiredness time to time, and slight queasy feeling 2 days ago, not feeling anything much. Never puked or gagged. To the extent that I don’t feel pregnant on most days. Although I want to be assured, one scan doesn’t say a lot. Does above count as no symptoms or fading symptoms? Anyone has the same experience, slight tender boobs, abating/no symptoms till wk 5-6 but okay?

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Every pregnancy will have different symptoms. Not everyone will be same. And as the weeks goes by, your symptoms will either be different, more/less same or no symptoms. For two pregnancy of mine, tender breast between 6 weeks to 11 weeks. No morning or night sickness. I do feel nausea but never vomit even if there are certain smell or food that I dont like, I will feel like vomitting but never happened. Dont worry about it. Wait for your next check up. Either you will get ultrasound image or they will check on your baby heartbeat.

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3y ago

Thanks will wait and see next week. Feeling nervous 😬

I also feel that way. Currently at 7 weeks and even worse had heavy bleeding including clots for more than a month already, so shocked when i went to emergency yesterday, i was right to feel pregnant, indeed when they scan can even see heartbeat at only 7 weeks! I feel like crying, its such a miracle after a previous miscarriage on 13 june, now this baby was conceived on 20th july just 4 days before i started my heavy bleeding…

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2y ago

Sad story, i actually went through another miscarriage at week 16+4… but then i got pregnant again and currently at week 18+5… really nervous and worried whether it will turn out well or not this time…

OP Update 7w: Experiencing some on and off mild queasiness in the past few days. Might be nausea with poor appetite. But super mild. Also mild boob tenderness (still about 1/10 of the original ) Went for a scan too. Thankfully all is well. Baby is measuring at the right size with a good heartbeat. Looking forward to 10 week scan and clearing the next hurdle (dna / Oscar test)

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I feel very few symptoms at 6 weeks and am happy about it!! This is my second pregnancy and I had moderate symptoms in my first pregnancy - so I say.. enjoy while it lasts! haha

3y ago

Thanks for your sharing! Im starting to think I have some queasiness whenever I feel hungry at lunch or night. So mild I’m wondering if it’s all in my head. 😂 Next scan is next week

My last pregnancy ended up in a miscarriage where there were a lack of pregnancy symptoms and now at week 7, I worry everyday if I wake up not feeling nauseated! ☹️

3y ago

Thank you 🙏🏻