I had a miscarriage (11 weeks) and did a D&C 4 weeks ago. Started lactating and immediately started suppressing it. Have not gotten first menses yet. Did both an ovulation test (green, top) and pregnancy test (purple, bottom) today. Both came back positive! I know my hcg levels haven't dropped from the miscarriage. But if the ovulation test came back positive, does it mean I am ovulating? Also having egg white like mucusy discharge 😊 #advicepls #hcg #ovulation #test
Read moreThe day before, we were told that our baby is too small; 930g at 28w2d. The doctor said that there could be many reasons. - Baby naturally small - Baby showing down syndrome symptoms - Mother dietary Today, we had an appointment with our gynae specialist. But before that, my wife took her BP and urine test. Her blood pressure is normal. We were called by our gynae specialist and was informed that there is an excessive protein in my wife's urine test. The specialist advised us to do a urine lab test to further investigate the matter. She also mention that this could be a life threatening issue for the mother. So we agreed to proceed for the urine lab test. So now, my wife is extremely worried of the test result next week and she is in no condition mentally to stay strong. My heart hurts so badly to see my wife all weak and constantly crying. She kept thinking what if she dies. I don't know what to do other than comforting her over and over and submit everything to Allah. I see in Asianparent app that there are also plenty of mothers here having this same issue with their urine. Is it a common thing to have excessive protein in the urine and what can we do? #urine #protein #test
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