School closed for primary school, secondary school and etc. But preschool and childcare still continue operating. With the increased of Covid-19 children cases recently, do you send your kids to childcare still or letting then stay home? This is my current situation at home with my two kids. 🤣🤣 #babygirl #sgmoms #sgmummy #sgkids #sgbabies #covid19
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Love & Protection for your Loved Ones
What is a mother's best love for her own baby other than the protection that she can give her baby ❤️ And the best protection that a mother can give can actually start while her baby is growing in her ❤️ @axa.singapore has recently launched a comprehensive insurance plan called AXA EmpoweredMum which empowers expectant mothers to protect herself and her baby from pregnancy complications, hospital care and congenital illnesses throughout the pregnancy to even after childbirth, giving the mother the confidence she needs to bring her though her motherhood journey without much worries. Some benefits that this awesome AXA EmpowerMum offers: ✨ Mum's First-of-its-kind early delivery by csect benefit for mum ✨ Baby's First plan in Singapore to offer free 1st year free AXA Shield Plan B cover for baby without underwriting needed ✨ Mum's Pregnancy complications benefit for mum and Baby's congenital illnesses benefit for baby ✨ Mum's Hospital care and death benefit for mum ✨ Baby's Developmental delay benefit for baby ✨ Mum's protection to be able to transfer to Baby without underwriting needed What's best is, this new plan can be purchase under these 2 holistic bundled packages which are the AXA HappyMummy (covering mummy and child) or the AXA HappyFamily (covering the whole family). With AXA HappyMummy, mums have the flexibility of transferring the cover of their AXA Flexi Protector or AXA Life Treasure (II) plan to their baby without underwriting. ❤️ For more information on these 2 packages, you can check them out at: and #sgmummies #sgmummy #sgmum #sgmom #sgmoms #sgmommy #instamom #sgmummylife #sgmummyinfluencer #mummyinfluencers #mominfluencer #sgbaby #sgbabies #sgbabyboy #sgtoddler #instababy #babylove #babyphotography #family #familylove #sgmombloggers #sgmotherhood #sgmummyblogger #sgfamily #sgig #igsg #axasingapore #axaempoweredmum #axahappymum #axahappyfamily
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Hi Mummies, I am currently on my 21st week and seeing Prof Su at NUH. I just have few questions hope anyone can share similar experience with me 🥺 So I am married to Singaporean currently holding LTVP and planning to give birth at NUH (due date June 2022) however, I am unsure about the fees. Tried calling the hospital and some other people for information but I wasn’t given clear instructions. Since I am a foreigner, I am charged as Private Patient at NUH, but since my husband is local, we can claim financial help from Medisave. 1. Antenatal package with Prof Su is $1100 at 21 weeks. How do we claim antenatal expenses from medisave? Do we consolidate or automatically deducted from the package? 2. How much was your total bill with normal delivery? Planning to take A1 ward as I am a light sleeper. Total bill for LTVP (foreigner) minus the medisave claims? 3. My baby is automatically Singaporean to follow my husband. Is the baby’s fees fully paid, partially paid or not paid at all by his medisave grant upon giving birth? Apologies if I am asking wrong questions or if I assumed something wrongly as its my first time and I have no idea how these things work. I have very limited friends under LTVP so I am unsure 🙏 hope anyone can help me #pleasehelp #pregnancy #sgbabies #nuh #vaginalbirth
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