Saying I don't want mummy or daddy when having tantrums
Hi My son is 23mo. When he is having tantrums sometimes out of a sudden until we really don't know what he want. There are times when he want milk. We gave it to him but he will suddenly say i don't want milk/ i don't want mummy etc....So to avoid more tantrums , we leave it aside at the table or near him and say if u want it , u can take yourself. We notice he will cool down abit and den pull himself up and take his own bottle. That's when he calm down ardy. Recently, he was in the bathroom and we shower him. He wanted to play soap we let him a little but after a while its time to leave , he is not cooperating and not very safe to stay long in the toilet. So daddy just took away the soap. He was so upset he cry and scream for 10min We did try to calm him down but it don't works. We also sit one side to wait for him to calm down. But all this make it worse , he is more angry he will beat with hands and say I don't want mummy or daddy whoever he sees. Just ytd night , he will just cry loudly and also say I don't want mummy / daddy. I want milk . I told him ok I will make for u just wait. Everytime I will re-assure him that we love him. Is he not feeling love? How should I react or say when he is saying he don't want mummy/ daddy? How shld i cope with this or why is this happening. Sry for the long post #1stimemom #toddler #tantrum #nervousmom #advicepls
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How much could i feed on my 17days baby girl.. born 2800gms.
Hello momshies... Is it okey or normal 17days baby are asking for milk after 3onz of breast milk or formula milk she ask again after an hour for another 3onz.. can you share me some guide or infor in terms of this matter. Thank you in advance#firstbaby #advicepls #nervousmom #theasianparentph
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