I've spotting after my intimate just a moderate brown spotting and it was not a gush red bleed does i need to go o&g?worried me and stress me also.previously was bleeding on my 5thweeks on off but doc say only came to hospital only when the bleed accompany with cramp.my appt is next week.#hopingforababy
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Hello ppl, I had a miscarriage a few months back and since then my period flow was light..... This month I've missed my period for about 8 days and having this clear or sometimes milky white discharge (Tried testing on the 3th & 5th day but was negative..... And a dull stabbing pain yesterday at my right side of hip...... Had sex a few times like 3 or 4 days before ovulation.... No sex during ovulation, 1 day before or 1 day after....... Could I be pregnant?? #advicepls #hopingforababy
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