I am 7 months pregnant (28 weeks and 2 days to be exact). But I am feeling so sad, scared and I overthink a lot. I am sad because my baby in my tummy has CHD- Pulmonary Artesia, Severe Pulmonary Stenosis and VSD. Scared because of what may will happen. Overthink because I am not ready on whatever negative things will happen. My doctor already told me not to be stressed because it will affect my baby. I am really tried so hard to be cheerful and happy mum but at the end of the day I always cry at night. Sometimes I sleep around 2am and wake up at 8am. I am posting this because I feel so alone even though I prefer to be alone sometimes. I cannot tell it to my family nor show to them because I don't wanna see them sad too. My question is, does/did anyone feel the same way too? How did you cope it? Thank you so much. #1stimemom #pleasehelp #pregnancy #heartwarrior #depression #singlemum
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