It took me 4 years to have a child . I was a smoke before giving birth to my beautiful daughter , i stopped smoking 2 months while i was pregnant . And started back after i give birth , once i give birth , my breast was not producing enough milk so i had to formula feed. Now that im a smoker again , and my daughter is 2 years old .. I want another baby but i dont know , how to conceive the fastest way possible .. Any idea anyone ? #pleasehelp #advicepls #1stimemom #pregnancy #firstbaby #firsttimemom
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Hi moms, I was wondering if there’s any moms here who have some kind of disability and how do you care for your baby? Any experiences to share or any tips for a mom-to-be here? I have a hand condition called focal hand dystonia which limits the use of my hands. Basically it hurts to use my hands a lot or to carry anything heavier than 5kg for long periods of time. I’m just worried as to how to care for my baby. #pleasehelp #advicepls #firsttimemom
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