Hi mummies. Im currently 19 weeks 2 days preg and full time housewife. Im staying w my parents. Im quite concern w the environment dat im living in. My dad love to smoke inside the house and he is the type of person who is very difficult to deal and communicate with. VERY STUBBORN. Im actually quite worried w my baby and also my health. Sometimes i will accidentally smell the smoke and worst still, i had to hold my breath just to make sure i dont smell any of them. Most of the time i will be staying inside my room and i only go out when my father asleep or having his nap. I had 4 mnths left to endure this till my due date. Anyone can recommend me if there is such thing call to trap smoke air whenever my dad smoke? Im getting sensitive day by day and i wanna be positive and have a smooth healthy pregnancy 😭oh ya and not to forget my dad is a heavy smoker. He smoke every minute and every hr. #Feelingsodepressed #ineedbetterair
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