Dr told me that cervix still high and tight during the last appt. I’m also experiencing frequent watery discharge like whole pad soaked by the next change - dr says it’s normal as long as not a gush of water trickling down your legs. I’m also having cramps and shooting pain pubic area every now and then. My butt feels sore/pressure too. Is bby gg down?#advicepls #anxiousmommy
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I’m about 5 weeks pregnant now and just noticed mucusy brown discharge when I went to the toilet. Is this normal or should I see a doctor? I’ve also been having slight cramping the past few days. FYI, this is my second pregnancy. First pregnancy was almost 3yrs ago and resulted in an emergency c-sect so would that have anything to do with my symptoms now? #anxiousmommy #pleasehelp
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Currently entering 8 weeks and super anxious. My next appointment is in 2 weeks time. Private route.
I have so many questions wondering if the baby inside is alright? Is he/she developing well? Are the foods I’m taking good enough? I always google the food before I eat them. I’m so scared I’ll lose this baby. This is my first pregnancy and I want everything to go smoothly. I’m so anxious, I’m so worried. The last ultrasound I had of this baby was at 6 weeks. Dr mentioned our next appointment will be 4 weeks later (at 10 weeks) at Mount Alvernia. I feel that it’s so late… At the same time, I know the Dr wants this to be at that specific week so we can do more tests (NIPT, FTS). Am I overthinking this? Should I just go for another ultrasound? Just to see how my baby is? So far I have no symptoms, just brown discharge that occured once and pain on my right side (kidney area). Alot of my colleagues have been telling me the pain on the side of the stomach is normal. I’ve received so many assurances but I’m still so scared. Idk why. 😭 Help. Also, any of you are following up at Mount Alvernia? Or have followed up there before? And which Dr? Is there any good Dr you want to recommend? I’m currently seeing Dr Jacqueline Jung and I think she’s friendly and experienced in minor invasive surgeries. Anyone who thinks otherwise? #pregnancy #firstmom #firsttimemom #FTM #anxiousmommy
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