Part time job for pregnant mum
Hi mamas, anyone know if part time jobs will accept pregnant mums? I intend to leave my full time job soon because im facing too much stress and pressure! I think its also a good time to take a short break before labour! I am thinking to take mc n leaves but my boss confirm know i chao geng because i don't usually take them.. any suggestion? #firsttimemom #adviceaccepted #adviceplease
Read moreHi mummy’s I’m not sure if I’m having contractions or it’s js normal cramps at first it was just my constipated stomaxh after I when to the toilet to poop I came out and it’s still cramping a little but not that bad I felt a lot of pressure on my butt Jn 35 weeks pregnant #firsttimemom #pregnancy #adviceaccepted
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