
Sing Together Singapore

Stand a chance to WIN up to 200 POINTS by joining #TapTogetherAtHome and #SingTogetherSG! -------- Save this date: Sing Together Singapore! Saturday 25 April 2020 7.55pm. -------- How to participate: 1. Go to Mediacorp meWATCH, meLISTEN, TV channels, radio stations, social media platforms, Camokakis radio stations, SPH Radio stations or Gov.sg FB 2. Gather your family with flashlights at your home windows or balconies to sing ‘Home’. 3. Record yourselves and your neighbourhood from your home [in landscape mode], share your videos* or sing along LIVE on FB & IG, with the hashtags #TAPTogetherAtHome, #singtogetherSG, #SingaporeTogether and #stayhomeforSG. Set your post public to share it with us*. 4. Copy and paste the link of your video in the comments section below for tracking purposes. 5. Get your friends and family members to like your video. The more likes, the better! Stand a chance to WIN up to 200 points! Plus! You might just see yourself in a video compilation on *MediaCorp at 10.30pm on the same day! Terms and Conditions: 1. Your profile must be set to public for tracking purposes. 2. The maximum duration of the video is 1 minute long. 3. Winners will be chosen by theAsianparent. 4. Winners who do not reply to our email within 48 hours will be forfeited. 5. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for the points to be credited into your account.

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Sing Together Singapore
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