Will KKH issue MC for counselling, FTS Screening and Blood Test?
Hi everyone. I was given 3 appointments at KKH which I believe is for the counselling before Down Syndrome testing, first trimester screening and then related blood test. However, my boss and work place is not very supportive and I was frowned at for taking MC/time-off for my appointment. I know that for the monthly consultations, the doctors issue MCs. But do they also issue MCs if I am only there for counselling session? I really need an MC if not my boss would give me hell. Sigh. #pregnancy #kkh #1stimemom
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Placenta Previa - KKH Gynae Recommendation
Hi mommies, I'm at my 21st week and on monitoring of my low lying placenta. I am currently a subsidised patient at KKH, wondering if there are any gynae who is pro at handling placenta previa? Understand my placenta could still move up. But am also considering going private so if I do, would prefer a gynae who can handle placenta previa well in case it happens. Thank you! #pregnancy #kkh #1stimemom #advicepls
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Hi all! Saw a few posts of parents switching from KKH subsidy to private (towards end of pregnancy/before giving birth). Can I ask: 1. Why did you decide to switch? 2. How much more costly did the switch cost? Do increased costs refer to gynae consultation, delivery and room booking? Thank you! #1stimemom #firstbaby #kkh #kkhpatient
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