Anyone went to all hospitals maternity tour in sg? Thinking of visiting all. Is it allowed?
Thinking of visiting all cause haven decide which hospital to give birth. First pregnancy, really dk which 1 to go. But realised some hospitals like Parkway East, Mt E, Gleneages are all under 1 group. Do they allow us to book the tour for all their hospitals maternity tour? #firstbaby #pregnancy #FirstTimeBeingMom
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my baby is only 4 months now, but i am curious. i know that most babies start on solids when they are 6 months. so how do you feed solids and giving the milk? is there a certain time gap between solids and milk? and how do you introduce the solids to your babies? first cerelac then porridge? or is it puree first? just wanna get some thoughts first so i can prepare myself for feeding solids so i dont panic hahahaha #FirstTimeBeingMom
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