Do mommy always feel like this? Tired mentally even if you done your job good, take good care of ur baby, cook a good meal, cleaned your house, have amazing husband, but in middle of the night find yourself hard to sleep, i always think that i don’t always have time to myself...all i did is for my husband and baby. So i need time alone, every night i scroll down my hp, see pin interest look at thing how to organise, diy for toddler.. Thing that make me happy.. During day light i always feel like wanna sleep all days long..but i knw i can't just sleep I'm not teenager, I'm a mom.. I have responsibility to do, to feed my kids, wash dishes, bath my baby, cooking, folding the prayer. But above all. I always feel numb, not happier like i use to be, sometimes i knw deep inside i feel unfulfilled..unhappy,easily get angry,mentally tired so i distract my emotion doing the housework cz t i knw all this things will help me get busy through the day and forget about my stress/depression.. I make a DASS (depression Anxiety Stress Scales).. My total score was depression is slightly strong & same goes with my stress.. My anxiety scale is mild. Do you have any sign like me?
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