Hi Mummies! I'm wondering if for those of you who had taken both dose of Covid Vaccine (Fully Vaccinated), did you guys experience high blood pressure after the 2nd dose during your pregnancy? as in does your BP reading goes higher then the normal reading which 120/80 mm Hg? I'm worried due to my BP suddenly go slightly higher which is 136/77 mm HG is the cause of the post covid vaccine which i took on last wed, 22/09/21. Before i took both my covid vaccine, my BP was all normal during each appointment. And so i'm questioning myself now, is it due to my food intake or covid vaccine is the cause of my BP goes high? My gynae was worried too and she asked to monitor my BP at home while waiting to meet her for our next appointment in 4 weeks time as i'm now at 33 weeks. 😣 She mentioned if my BP reading were to hit more then 140/90 mm HG in this 2 weeks of monitoring, i need to rush down to the hospital immediately before my next appointment with her as it may cause danger to for both me and my unborn baby.. 😢 #1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy #advicepls
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