CRISPY FRIED MUSSELS with Pipino and Togue #MyOrigRecipe Let us try this Favorite recipe of mine. Perfect for family and friends in any kind of celebration. They will surely love, ❤️. And also, it is one of the way to preserve the freshness of mussels, especially of it's in the Season. First we have to prepare the, Ingredients: 2Kilos Mussels Cooking Oil 2 Tablespoon of Butter Vinegar Fish Sauce Black Pepper Garlic Onion Ginger Red Chilli Pepper Water Pinch of Sugar Steps: 1. Wash the Mussels, cut the Ginger into pieces, then put into boil together for about 10 to 15mins, until the shells become easy to open. 2. Separate the mussels into the shells.Set aside. 3. In the Pan, put some oil, together with the butter to add more flavors. 4.Saute the Garlic until it becomes Golden Brown, the set aside. 5. In the same Pan, Fried the Mussels until it become crispy. 6.Next, saute the Onion and Red Chilli Pepper, put also some garlic,. 7.For final Touch, put the mussels and crispy Garlic to the Pan, and put 1 Tablespoon of Vinegar and a Pinch of Sugar. Put Fish sauce to taste. Wait for about 5minutes, and its ready to serve. I also made a Side dish for this recipe, Pipino and Togue with Vinegar. This will also be your sauce for our Crispy Fried Mussels. Hope you Like this healthy recipe, and try it also to your home. The kids will also love this recipe, just drop off the Red Chilli to the Cooking procedure. :)
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