Anyone else experiencing pain in every movement like walking, turning while lying on bed, wearing pants and underwear, getting up from bed in the morning? I am currently on my 28th to 29th week and this is my 1st pregnancy. I never had any morning sickness and health issues during my 1st trimester and 2nd trimester until my 6th month when I first observed an excruciating pain over my groind and suprapubic area especially in the morning and when I try to raise one leg to wear pajamas. Now, its getting worse. Last night, I heard a clicking sound when I tried to lift up my right leg and after that the pain never went away until now. 🥺😭 I hope, I can still recover from this after my delivery or sooner. #advicepls #firstbaby #1stimemom #1st_pregnancy #pleasehelp
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