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Joanna Anastasia Rosalin, Indonesia


About Joanna Anastasia Rosalin

Mommy Of One Little Sweet Pumkin

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There is always a bestfriend in every step of parenting journey and I'm glad there is you, tika? not just a parenting journey but a lot of another journey! ? I'm very grateful and thankful to you ?? you always there from the very beginning of my motherhood journey and crazy first time parenting experience ? This post dedicated to you ? Sharing sedikit.. Tika dan saya sudah berteman dari high school until now..( wow it's been 13 years!) Jarak kita nikah juga sebentar.. Punya baby juga ? tika had a beautiful baby girl first (we both have a baby girl! ?)makanya saya yang cupu soal baby suka banget nanya2.. Dr apa aja yang must di prepare sebelum melahirkan sampai sekarang juga masih soal merawat baby..curhat soal yang lainnya juga..can't not write down all the detail..pokoknya everything deh ?? I've a lot reading about parenthood but trust me the reality is so different ??? makanya saya lebih suka sharing2 ? I want to say Specially thank youu buat always encourage and give moral support saat saya super down and become our (me and my baby) life savior (literally baby lexa's life savior) dimana waktu itu saya baru melahirkan, kurang mengerti soal MengASIhi dan ASI saya kurang sehingga lexa menguning dan butuh difototerapi ?? how lucky we are, Tika share stock Asinya buat bantu baby lexa?? (makanya jadi ibu peri baby lexa sekarang ??) me and baby lexa very thankful from bottom of our heart.. Ga bisa bayangin bila dulu nda ada tika.. ? Dari situ, tika minjemin alat pompa ASI, kasih info soal mengASIhi n selalu support untuk berfikir positif terus hingga akhirnya baby lexa bisa sukses ASI eksklusif ??? You effort is very priceless ?? I am incredibly fortunate to have someone like you in my life. I couldn't have done with without you. Thank you ? Buat para moms.. Memang support suami n keluarga so important but have a motherstomothers bestfriend is so important too.. Apalagi para new millenial mom..selain bs jd support system, Saling sharing n menguatkan dalam perjalanan motherhood.. Bestfriend can keep our insanity and mood! ?

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