Hi mamas, I’m in my 33 weeks, I get flustered easily especially when I’m experiencing cramps, totally ruin my mood. Also I have a constant blockage on one ear and nose too,they’re both on the right side which makes me more fretted. How are some preggers so joyful throughout their entire pregnancy? They can work and have a social life like how? I can barely walk a distance, can’t complete my daily stretches these days. Just feeling agitated easily. 😢#1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy #moods
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Am at 25 going 26 weeks now. These days my mood haven’t been too stable. If I don’t get a good night rest, my entire day feels meh. No mood to go for walks, appetite decreases too. I don’t these moods to affect baby. I don’t know why I feel this way either. I get teary whenever I’m moody & alone. #1stimemom #advicepls
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