unending folding, clean clothing still laying about, laundry and dishloads piling up, toys scattered around, and dust everywhere. That is the daily battle of moms, yet despite this, I am grateful. I am very grateful because of the endless folding we have clean clothes to wear, because of the clean clothes still hanging around I have a choice to change, because of the piles of laundry I am reminded that we keep the suit of clean clothes at home, because of the dishwashing piles, I am reminded that we still have enough food to last a day, because of the scattered toys I am reminded that I have a child with a wide imagination, because of the dust everywhere I remember that we have things inside home I have to thank. That is the daily struggle of mothers, but despite this, I am grateful. Instagram: @Buhay.Nanay56 https://instagram.com/buhay.nanay56?utm_source=qr&igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ%3D%3D FB: Buhay Nanay https://m.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=61550281033089 Tiktok: @Buhay.Nanay56 https://www.tiktok.com/@buhay.nanay56?_t=8f47rcnyFAf&_r=1
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My 1 yr old baby wakes at night and sleeps during the day
is there anyone who has a child who does not sleep at night and sleeps in the morning. When my baby was only a few months old, her sleeping pattern was fine, but when she became 1 year old, we had a hard time getting her to sleep properly. Any tips on how I can engage my child to sleep at night and change her sleeping pattern. #advicepls #firstmom
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is taking medicine that is not prescribe can lead of having baby with down syndrome?
I was able to take anti-vertigo medication during my first month of pregnancy. I didn't know I was pregnant that month. I told that to my Ob-gyne and she assured me that it would not have much effect on the baby since I was just the first month of pregnancy. But I was worried because I took that medicine for a week. after all, all the medicine I buy I need to provide a prescription before I buy it from a pharmacist and been diagnosed of having hypergastric pain and bleed 'til now. I'm 23rd weeks pregnant today. 😔 #1stimemom
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is taking medicine that is not prescribe can lead of having baby with down syndrome?
I was able to take anti-vertigo medication during my first month of pregnancy. I didn't know I was pregnant that month. I told that to my Ob-gyne and she assured me that it would not have much effect on the baby since I was just the first month of pregnancy. But I was worried because I took that medicine for a week. after all, all the medicine I buy I need to provide a prescription before I buy it from a pharmacist and been diagnosed of having hypergastric pain and bleed 'til now. I'm 23rd weeks pregnant today. 😔 #1stimemom
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