It’s 11:00PM and my 3-year old daughter just went to bed, she’s been crying and throwing tantrums since 5:30PM, even vomiting from excessive crying. The reason, her 1-year old brother, she’s can’t stand seeing her baby brother, she doesn’t want to be in the same space as him, let alone be near me. I’m super stressed. I don’t know what to do, she’s been like this since the day her brother was born and it really breaks my heart to pieces, it’s already been more than a year now but she still hasn’t adjusted and learned to love her brother. It breaks my heart everytime i see my bunso going near her wanting to play with her but she would just shout at him, throw tantrums and sometimes hurt him (unintentionally) I thought she should’ve adjusted by now but i feel like her hate doesn’t go. I am a working mom and we leave our children to only one yaya and this yaya specifically favors the bunso, so im trying to understand mu daughter why she’s being like that everytime we come home, every single day we’re home, she’s throwing tantrums, maybe she likes the attention, because she doesn’t get it from our bunso’s yaya, maybe she just doesn’t want to share me (or us? Her parents) i really dont know. But i’m really stressed out seeing her like this. I’m tired. #pleasehelp #advicepls #worryingmom
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