Proud BakuNanay and BakuBaby here! 💕 Have you taken your pledge? Help us build a stronger BakuNation! Take your pledge NOW and let's spread the importance of vaccines and fight vaccine misinformation, here's the link 😉 #BuildingABakuNation #TeamBakuNanay #theAsianparentPH #VIParentsPH
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BakuNanay is short for Bakuna Nanay, a group of active moms who believe the effectivity and importance of vaccines in the protection of their family from diseases and viruses. BakuNanay is founded by theAsianparent community with the aim to build a Stronger ‘BakuNation’ –to keep children and communities safe by fighting vaccine misinformation in the country. I’m Caren, and I’m a proud BakuNanay! Have you taken your pledge to help build a BakuNation? If not yet, take your pledge NOW and help us build a stronger BakuNation as we spread the importance of vaccines and fight misinformation. Here's the link 😉
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How do you make sure your kids are happy and healthy? :)
If Audrey is a fruit or veggie, what would she be? Hmmmn… She’ll probably be an apple. For one, the apple is her favorite fruit, mostly because she is the ‘apple of our eyes.” Solomon once said, “Comfort me with apples, for I am sick of love.” She is our comfort in this crazy life. Speaking of fruits and veggies, does your kid eat fruits and veggies too? What would they probably be if they are a fruit or a veggie? Aside from feeding them healthy foods, it is also important to have them protected with the necessary vaccines. Are you a BakuNanay too? Have you taken your pledge to help build a BakuNation? If not yet, take your pledge NOW through this link 😉 Have you taken your pledge moms? Do it na and join us in our advocacy in spreading the importance of vaccines and fighting misinformation 😉
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I PLEDGE to help BUILD a BakuNation. 💪🏻 To learn more about diseases and their impact. To vaccinate my family in order to protect them against preventable diseases. To act, to fight misinformation, and to help spread knowledge about the importance of vaccines. 💯‼️ I’m Caren, a mom of 2 lovely girls, and I am proud to be a BakuNanay. 🦸🏼♀️ Take the pledge now too and let’s help build a BakuNation 💚
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Take The Pledge and Help Build a BakuNation 💗
For me, being a parent is the sweetest yet toughest role I ever had. 💕 And as a parent, I believe the kids deserve the best care they can possibly get--that includes being vaccinated. 💯‼️ They cannot decide for themselves at such a young age, but we, as adults, are responsible for giving them the health care that will protect them as they grow up. That is why I pledge to help in Building a BakuNation. 💖 I believe that in my own simple ways, in doing my part in disseminating the information every parent needs to know (so they can also give the proper health care to their little ones), that can make so much difference. Take the pledge now too and let’s help build a BakuNation 💚
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