Sleep hours of 1 month old Baby
15/March/2021. My son had turn 1 month old 9 days ago, and the milk volume has increase from 2 oz to 4 Oz. However the sleeping hours is not consistent as he only sleep 3 to 3.5 hours only. According to studies and research it supposed to be 4 hours. Any one had experience in baby sleeps growth? Please advice. #advicepls #firstbaby #theasianparent_my #theasianparent_sg #theAsianParent
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Hi, I'm a 1st time father. Is it advisable to intake alcohol during confinement periods? I heard alcohol will effect the baby skin turn yellowish and it damage the baby brain cell. As for the mother, the wound would not recover as fast as it expected. My wife plan to breast feeding baby. Any professional advice? #firstbaby #pregnancy #1stimemom #advicepls
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