Csect or Normal delivery
Which is better Csect or Normal delivery? Is it best to take epidural or no? #firsttimemom

i think u have to understand the differences for csec and normal delivery and see wat is most suitable for u. i went thru natural birth via induction before and it was horrible. epidural is highly recommended! otherwise the contraction will torture u, cant do anything or rest at all. i was like a zombie before i get epidural. and u can only get it when 3/4 cm dilated. so imagine the contractions before that u have to bear with it. yes there is laughing gas, but u have to keep holding it and breathe hard enuf to feel the effect. dont worry abt the after effect of epidural. i only vomit aft the effect kicked in. not much issue after delivery. really depends on individual. so for my current pregnancy, im gg for csec as i didn't want to go thru 30+ hrs of labour again. 😭 and the pain and recovery journey for csec is actually not that scary. i have many friends went thru csec and is doing well.
Read moreWhichever you think suits you or as per advice by the doctor. Mainly they would say normal birth. Epidurals are highly advised to take if you have zero pain tolerance. Meaning if you have contractions and are not dilating fast, and during this period you need an epidural you can take it. But also there will be side effects like it doesn't help you and then leading to the emergency c section (for whatever happened in labour like not progressing further despite the hours in labour). And some will have after effect of epidural like back pain especially after labour (during cold weather/standing too long/carrying baby too long). I took epidural for both pregnancy but this is due to long hours in labour for both babies. And I am not dilating, contractions also kick in fast and I have low pain tolerance level.
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