Should I keep the baby? Can't get along with my husband and he's away most days (not supporting).

We want the baby but I don't think we're at a good place to provide a healthy environment for baby. He works nights and weekends, I work days on weekdays. He doesn't contribute financially at all to the house or baby. I don't want to fight over the baby and I'm 9 weeks now and worried it'll get worse.

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Actually, in your heart, you already know the answer... Firstly, if this guy doesn't even contribute a single thing, then why are you still keeping him? for his KKB, meh? Secondly, to keep or not to keep... ask yourself this question: Are you able to have this child without your husband. If without him you are able to provide financially etc. then why not? If you really think you can't have a child without a husband who doesn't provide, then I suggest you don't bring this child to the world and suffer. Sorry if I am too blunt, but I've been through worse and seen worse. These are just my honest opinions.

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have a good talk with your husband, things may change for the better, I feel should give everyone a chance including baby.. since you're at 9 weeks now, I believe you can see baby's heart beat already. ask yourself if you are willing to make the heartbeat stop or keep it going. Good luck.

It seems like you already have an answer in your heart and you’re just seeking comments for reassurance. Perhaps sit down and have a good talk. If it still doesn’t work out, I think you know what’s best for you and your baby, if you decided to keep and raise the baby on your own.