Maternity Insurance
For those in SG, I've been seeing many maternity insurance that are not from the bigger players like AIA, Manulife or NTUC. Has anyone bought and have experience with claiming? Is it a scam? 😅#advicepls

maternity insurance is not a scam but if you want to get one, do get it from known insurance company. AIA NTUC, great eastern are well known insurance company. i haven't read about manulife, so i have no comment about that company. nevertheless, majority of the insurance company do not offer stand alone maternity insurance. hence, if you solely want maternity insurance, Great Eastern offers stand alone policy. meaning you do not need to sign up for any life insurance on top of the maternity insurance. do read what each individual companies offer. another note, if you do consider taking maternity insurance, there is a time limit the insurance company will accept. meaning after certain pregnancy weeks, they will not allow you to sign up for the maternity insurance as it is considered too late.
Read moreRecommending applying for maternity insurance early if you're eligible for it, especially if you have a smooth pregnancy so far and readings all normal. Didn't have a very good experience with maternity insurance as a whole as I was referred me to an endocrine doc due to elevated thyroid readings. Insurance mandated that I need to "have it under control" (even though the endocrine doc decided it was not necessary) before they would agree with covering me and I gave up eventually.
Read moreim facing the same thing! thanks for replying!
i didnt know AIA is considered "not the big players" in SG. Many mummies in my EDD chatgrp are getting from them, saying they have the best coverage. i'm also trying to get from them now, after Pru rejected my application. :(
Hello! Manulife’s maternity insurance won the Parents and Baby awards for best maternity insurance for 3 years straight. You can consider 😊 can msg me also to find out more. Got mine from Manulife.
suggest you go with the bigger players for peace of mind. rather than not being able to claim when you truly need it