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occasionally...setiap anak beza2 Kan karekternya ..masa abg, Alhamdulillah susah sbb pjj dengan suami,selalu nangis jugak but Alhamdulillah dah 3 thn...sekarang YG adik high demand baby stress kadang2, Alhamdulillah jugak dah xpjj suami tlg take over kalau stress...
Happy at the same time felt worry. I don't have any experience about how to handle baby. But fortunately I have a great partner and supportive family. My mother came to my house to make sure that i'm in good condition.
Mula lepas salin xfaham apa itu meroyan, ad ckp mudh stress... Skng bru faham itu meroyan.🥲Ad pula org paksa² kita,, rasa nak nagis ja, sdng kan bole je buat x tahu.
i do no, sometimess to my emotions was really hard to control, wish i have someone to talk to, not to my mother,motherinlaw and husband. Just need someone.
first mom pastu xtahu nk handle kuning ank cmna...3x naik ambulans sbb kuning ja..smpai fobia la nk checkup klinik..asal pi klinik ja terus naik ambulans
I was rather overwhelmed - and it wasnt cause i didnt have support but instead, it was self induced cause i only wanted the best for my child.
Ftm, mostly overwhelmed. Skrg dah masuk bulan kedua, Alhamdulillah things are getting better but the feelings occasionally come n go.
When my first was born as everything was too new to me and created a lot of stress
I am bedrest after deliver until now. because of that, I have suffer to control my emotions.
First time mom, so bnyak yg xtau.. lepastu sorng2 jaga anak