Going 29week tomorrow baby weight 1kg
Is it normal for baby going 29 weeks weight 1kg ? Everything is normal . How to gain more weight for baby ? Is it true that durian helps to gain weight as my appt next appt is next week for further check up .#firstbaby

during my 28 weeks scan, baby was 1.35kg .. dr said baby is fine n growing healthily.. i guess as long dr said everything is normal, u shudnt worry. baby may be 1kg now but they grow so fast during our last trimester. it will be difficult if baby grew too big too. haha. so just keep eating healthy!
Nutrient dense healthy food like avocados, birds nest and durians are good! Everything in moderation of cos. And you can also try to up my calorie intake by lets say 300-500 calories? Good luck mummy! Just had my 30 week scan :) amazing how fast babies grow in the third trimester
More or less abit I guess, can try avacado as well but do watch out for the sugars. I had durian like as tho no need money, in the end I’m the only one gaining 🫣 Egg without yolks works best for my baby. I had 12 eggs a day.
I was making avocado milkshake (avocado + 2 teaspoon of brown sugar + fresh milk) and drinking it alternate nights, as I get hungry before bedtime. hope it helps :)
Maternity milk or chocolate milk helps too. 28 week scan baby was at 1.2kg
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