Hospital Delivery Charges

Hi mummies! I need some advice on the estimated total bill charges for mums who gave birth at Mount E hospital with C-section and opted for 2 Bedder. Want to know how much to expect before delivering! 🙏

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Mount Elizabeth orchard is about 7k to 8k for the maternity package but it doesn't include for the Dr fee, anaesthesia fee, padetrician fee,if ur baby go NICU is another fee also.

I would like to check on charges for TMC, both normal & c-sect. Likely taking 2 bedder also

2y ago

Elective C-Sec @ TMC My private gynae $5000 Gynae ward visit average: approx $300/visit Anesthetist: 25% of Gynae fee approx $1300 PD: approx $1200 I think have PD daily attendance fee too 2-bedder: $388 + spouse stayed overnight $95/night including breakfast