Spit up after every feed

Hi my LO is 2.5 months and hes been spitting up quite frequently since we change formula milk to enfamil pro A+. Spit after feed, during burping, hrs after feed. Tried to change feeding position and give him lesser milk from his usual 100ml to 80 ml but it is still the same. He started with NAN opti pro ( constipate + phlegm) thn change to frisolac ( runny stool), currently on enfamil pro (more spit up then previous 2 formula milk). Im using dr brown milk bottle as well. Is it because its too thin? Not sure if i should change formula again. #pleasehelp

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Hi mummy, last time my lo also spit out his milk after every feeding until 6mth when he started solid food. We try to feed & burp him after every oz. Make sure when burping bb position is straight not bend or if over the shoulder position our shoulder is not press against their tummy. If all these method don’t improve it then u can try enfamil AR formula. That’s wat we give for my bb which slightly helps. My nanny told me my bb had “shallow stomach” (chinese we say 胃浅)but becoz my lo also is born late preterm so might be the reason too. So we can’t do much only can feed less & slowly but more frequent feeding. After 6mth when they start solid all these will get better.

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1y ago

U’re welcome! That’s great! 👍

Mine little one is a reflux baby. Always vomiting out milk. Not sure if yours is the same issue. You can try changing to AR (Anti-reflux) formula. Ours drinking Frisolac AR. Runny stool is fine actually according to the doc. Apart from the change in formula, try breaking into 2 to 3 sessions with burping in between. We basically hold our baby up at least 35 degrees for 20 to 30mins after each feeding (initially more than an hr). Our little one is reaching 4mths this weekend and had improved alot, once in a while then she vomits. Is tiring but eventually will outgrow this relux situation. All the best!

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1y ago

oh ya! forgot to mention that we also change the AR ratio to normal frisolac according to her situation so that she can slowly transit to normal formula. Currently 3:2 scoops. Do note that AR formula is thicker so make sure u get teats that are meant for thicker milk.

Hi mummy, my LO used to have very bad spit up after every milk feed. This lasted until he was around 8mths with introduction of solids. Its a phase and they will outgrown it. Jiayou!!

Sorry, can I ask, what do u do when your LO had phlegm from drinking NAN? Thank you

1y ago

Thank you. No need to see pd for the phlegm?