Will KKH dr/nurse put me on meds if my blood sugar level is slightly higher than recommended?

I was made to go on a controlled diet and monitor my blood glucose. I did pretty well for most part but there were 2 times I slipped (in terms of diet - I’m not good at controlled diet!) and my blood glucose level was up higher by at most 0.5 higher than recommended. I’d be so upset if I’ve to start taking meds cos I’m fairly confident I’m able to balance my diet with exercise/activity. My baby is of normal weight as well and I’ve only put on 6 kg so far. #advicepls #firsttimemom

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I think you are honestly doing very well. I have a lot of reading above 7.0. Could you please share with me how do you maintain your diet so well ?

2y ago

My one reading of 7.0 was cos I had apple pie and pho…but it was dinnertime and I felt lazy/sleepy to walk or do any exercise. I believe if I do this, I’ll be lesser by a bit more