How often do you travel per year on an average?
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Once :|
Twice :)
More than Twice :D

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Planning a holiday trip can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you're dreaming of a tropical beach getaway, a cultural exploration, or an adventurous escape, a well-organized plan is the key to a successful and enjoyable vacation

whenever my husband feel like so, he would just ask me help book hotel and make travel itinerary out of the blue. so before this we would travel once every 1-2 months.

I travel more than 4 times in a year to a different region of our nation. I love to travel alone, it's a different feeling and you get time to know yourself.

I have traveled a fair bit so I'm not a frog in a well. I've seen most of Europe, South and south east Asia, the Middle East, the US of A and New Zealand.

Year end trips are longer and may be one short trip during the year

I absolutely love to travel and explore new places!


used to b at least once or twice 😩

Depends on how I feel at that time!!

I think travel this rly good!

when we have the leisure