Can someone share their experiences with c section as I'm scheduled for tomorrow. #firsttimemum
The preparation work (get changed and the spinal anesthesia) took more time than the operation it itself. The staff were great so I felt more relax than I expected. I brought a peri bottle with me which I find useful. Belly binder can be bought at the hospital, after the nurse help measure your hip. My first walk (and first pee too 😂) on the next day was tough but doable. I think bringing some straws for sipping from cup would come in handy, cause then you don’t have to sit up a lot. All the best! Try to poop before c sec if u can.
Read moreI had an emergency c sec because my induction failed ): please bring a binder and compression sock. They will be useful. Take the painkillers for the first few days at least. It will take a while to regain mobility so don’t be stress about latching baby immediately after giving birth or pumping. Take care of yourself first before you can take care of baby. All the best!
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