Fell down from bed (11th old)

Hi everyone, please advise me the below, i am really helpless to this situation. My 11th month baby fell down from bed 4days ago, the next day i saw him he looks ok just the nose and mouth abit swollen and we have bring him to kk for a check up and the doc say he dun have any bone fracture symptom. No vomiting, no less active, been eating his porridge and milk. From the night he fell down till 4 days later, every night he is not sleeping well. He will scream or cry loud suddenly like having bad nightmare for every 2-3hrs 1 time. Not sure is it traumatised? He seems like cannot sleep in the dark now, he will cry and wake up in the middle of the night. Does anyone have this after baby fell down from bed? is he scared? how long does it take to recover? What can i do to make him feel better to sleep at night? what are the things i need to take note? #pleasehelp #firstmom #worryingmom #babys11thmonth

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