Want to do more for our community?

If you would like to be part of it, reply with a 'YES' in the comments section!??‍♀️ Your role is simple: - Help our community by answering their questions under our 'unanswered' section That's all to it! As a token of our appreciation, we will match the number of points, based on the number of questions you've answered in the month. (And yes it means the more you answer, the more points you get ?) Lastly, do take note of the following: - Interested users will be contacted via their email, used to register for an account on theAsianparent App. - Points will be awarded to your respective account 2 to 3 weeks after the month.' - We have the right to remove your 'Super Mum' Badge, if your intention is to inflict harm to other users.

Want to do more for our community?
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Yes 🙋