What do you do when your child uses foul language?
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Make her put money in a swear jar
Send her to the naughty corner
Make her write lines/a letter of apology
Others (please comment)
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Explain why it is not nice to say that and monitor that the child does not say it again
I would talk to her and make her understand why is it bad to use foul language
Tell her immediately that she will get into trouble if she ever does so again
Super Mum
Talk to her about what she was trying to say and see if she can say it better
had a good talk with my child and explain why she shouldn't have said that
Let her/him know is wrong n rude to use such words. Explain to them.
dont emphasise on it and they will forget. works with small kids
Scold her for saying such words and explain the reason and all
After that I’ll tell them that it’s the wrong thing to say
I try it find out where it comes from. I’d cut screen time.