When did your baby turn into head down position?
28 weeks now, the baby is his head up. The app says most babies have turned head down already. Is that right? When did your baby turn? #firstbaby
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My babies both turn head down at about 30 weeks onwards. Though the apps mentioned about 28 weeks, it depends on individual. Dont worry still plenty of time for baby to turn.
Babies usually turn their head down at 3rd tri, around 30 - 35 weeks. If they did not turn down by 37 weeks, doc will suggest do ECV or elective csect 1 week before EDD.
Don't worry, there's still time. Can have a look at spinning babies protocol if you want to actively help to encourage baby to turn head down
hi mummy some of babies late turn down their head.Still have a lot of time so dont worry always talk to your baby ❤️
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